Thank you for your answer...
But if I mount my empty space to /home
MCC asked me if I want to transfer the files to the new partition... SO in that case I do not loose my user files?
But will the amount of space add up???
I haven't made any modif for the moment... Not that crazy (more on a kite :-) )!

Raffaele Belardi wrote:


see below.



Me again...

I tried to make my home directory bigger...
I first shrinked my windows partition (hda1) to obtain 8 Gb...
Then I wanted to unmount my home directory (hda8) to make it bigger...
When I click on unmount nothing happens... Why?

You can't unmount a /home partition on a running system, because it's in use. You need to boot into single user mode for that (no graphic environment, only a shell), or boot from the MDK rescue disk into a shell.

What is the difference between /home and /user directories?

/home contains the home directories of your users.
Standard MDK installation doesn't have /user but /usr. /usr contains almost all the executables - including gnome, kde, X. It does not normally contain user files.

What type of file system should I use if I can not modify my /home directory?

Resizing the /home partition means loosing all the data there contained. A better option would be to format the freed up space as a new ext3 partition, say hda9, and then mount the new partition somewhere under /home. For example, you might dedicate it to a user (in this case you'd mount it under /home/newuser, for example), or to increase the space dedicated to an already existing user (for example, if userX needs additional space for mp3, you might create a /home/userX/mp3 directory and mount hda9 there).

Thanks Christophe ps: for the moment I'm not giving up ;-)


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