I've been having a very hard time compiling the driver for my Ethernet 
card. My computer is a dual boot setup with Windows 98 and Linux Mandrake 
6.1. I have the Cox@home cable Internet service, and a SOHOware NDC 10/100 
Fast Ethernet PCI card. The card includes the "tulip" driver for Linux on 
the install disk, but neither that version, nor any of the others I have 
found on the Net will compile. I have used many different command lines, 
including exact copies from the tulip source code. and from various Web 
pages and How-To's.

The main error message I get is:
tulip.c :101: warning : *warning You must compile this file with the 
correct options!
tulip.c :102 : warning : *warning See the last lines of the source file.
tulip.c :103 : warning : *warning You must compile this driver with "-O".

Depending on what arguments I put on the command line, I will also get an 
error message from gcc saying that "-O is an unrecognized option." (!!) I'm 
not a complete newbie to Linux, but I don't know very much about the 
technical side. I finally learned how to set-up a PPP dial-up connection in 
Linux, but this Ethernet thing is driving me crazy. eth0 is not a "known 
device" to the kernel, so I assume I have to add tulip as a module, or 
recompile the kernel with it. I know that tulip is listed as a driver 
option in Linuxconf, but its not in /lib/modules, or anywhere else that I 
can find.  During the Mandrake installation, it autodetected the network 
card, but it fails to initialize it on starting up the system - always the 
same message about the "unknown device."

Can anybody help? By the way, I have tried -O option with both O (upper and 
lower case letter) and 0 (numeral zero).


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