Just purchased it today! I am very impressed...It gives me the ability to do with Windows what everyone should be able to do....Minimize it when it gets in the way, lol. Anyways, I checked with Netraverse and they suggested using IP Masqurade and I dl'ed a generic script to test it out.


Aaron wrote:

I had the same problem with win4lin I remeber I had to disable proxy

Or check if you are using the correct network connection.

I hope you are using a registered version of win4lin, there tech support
is very good and has never failed me.


On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 00:18, Matt Harrison wrote:

Does anyone know of a linux based alternative to Callwave? Or, does anyone know how to get Win4Lin to share my Linux dialup connection so that Windows can get on the internet when I am dialed in through linux?


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