Something else to try is to BOOT from the CD _ONLY_ if possible...if you are
booting from a may have install info listed in the Kernal.
Just trying to help...:)

Alan Shoemaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Karen....Axalon is doing a good job here so I won't interfere, but you
> need to know this so you'll let go of it as a reason that you must not
> be getting a clean install.  The following is from the Q&A section of
> the GAIM home page:
> Q. Where the heck is my buddy list stored? It gets erased sometimes.
> A. Currently, your buddy list is stored on AOL's servers. Zilding is
> considering an option of storing buddy lists locally and will more than
> likely implement something fairly soon.
> Alan 
> "Karen M. Heiby" wrote:
> > 
> > Hi, answers to the questions follow within the text:
> > 
> > On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, you wrote:
> > > On Sun, 31 Oct 1999, Karen M. Heiby wrote:
> > >
> > > > I would like to know how to cleanly uninstall Linux.  I'm having
> > > > problems that I think can only be fixed with a clean install.
> > > >
> > > > Here's what I've tried *several times over* but still does not work:
> > > >
> > > > 1.)  Deleting the Linux partition from Windows
> > > >     a.) (In Windows 98) filling up my hard drive with junk--totally,
> > > >     deleting the junk (just to make sure anything of Linux that might
> > > >     be there is overwritten)
> > > >     b.) scandisk (Windows 98) and defrag (Windows 98)
> > > >
> > > >             or
> > > >
> > > >     c.) formatting the entire hard drive (with DOS "fdisk") and
> > > >     Windows 98, repartitioning it for Linux (Partition Magic) and
> > > >     reinstalling Linux
> > > >
> > > > 2.)  Going into Linux as root, going to /, and typing the rm -fr /*
> > > >     which
> > > >     a.) gets stuck even if I wait a couple hours, I don't see
> > > >     happening.
> > > >
> > > > 3.)  Going into runlevel 3 as root, going to /, and deleting each
> > > >     individually with "rm -fr nameofdirectory"
> > > >     a.)  (However:  I can't delete /proc
> > > >     b.)  and I can't delete /lib)
> > > >
> > > >             then,
> > > >
> > > >     c.)  I boot to DOS with a disk and using "fdisk \mbr" to delete
> > > >     d.)  I reinstall Linux
> > 
> > > Ok first off, if you allow it to format the drive during install it's
> > > gone, not sorta gone but gone, it would cost big money to retieve even
> > > small piece...
> > 
> > I tell it to format my Linux native partition but I swear it's keeping
> > 
> > > > All three methods fail to get rid of my problems.  For ex., KDE
freezes when I
> > > > use KFM to browse the /mnt directory.  No other file managers (Gnome,
KDE file
> > > > manager, or any terminal) freeze, and it is not a permissions problem.
> > > > just KFM/KDE!  When I click the /dev directory in KFM and look at its
> > > > permissions properties, the text (User, Group, Other) is grayed out
but the
> > > > checkboxes are nonfunctional but the proper permissions are assigned. 
Same goes
> > > > for everything else in /dev.  I can use chmod or any other file
manager to
> > > > modify permissions and have done so.
> > 
> > > /etc/rc.d/init.d/amd status
> > > says what? If automount is trying to mount something it can't it's
> > > take awhile to time out.
> > > gmc has a feature (pretty sure this is in KFM also) that will
> > > show "the size" of the directories, if this is on and you have a recent
> > > harddrive (eg, BIG) it's going to take awhile
> > 
> > It isn't trying to mount anything, I unmounted everything I could before
> > issued the command.
> > 
> > > Do the gears spin, does the mouse (or anything "freeze"), which
> > > html, long, text..?
> > 
> > The "gears" spin just a little at first.  It freezes with a black screen,
> > the terminal a couple times, then just black screen again for about a
couple of
> > hours with just a blip or so of hard drive activity every couple minutes. 
> > mean a blip, like a fraction of a second.
> > 
> > > Are you root when trying to change /dev/* file permissions?
> > 
> > Yes, I am root.  I *can* change the permissions in everything *but* KFM.
> > 
> > > > GAIM (AOL Instant Messenger clone) is retaining my contact list, when
> > > > should never happen if it were a clean install.  This is not a
problem, per se,
> > > > but just an indicator that I still have old information from previous
> > > > installations haunting which are likely the cause of my persistent
> > > > problems.
> > 
> > > Knowing AOL they don't trust you to keep track of your Buddies, so they
> > > store it on the server..
> > 
> > No, this can't be the case.  I also have Windows 98 and every time I
> > AOL IM, I have to re-add buddies.
> > 
> > > > Gnome's "Settings" on the panel is kaput.  I can click Gnome Control
Center and
> > > > get it running, but if I click anything else on the Panel under
> > > > Settings, (Multimedia, Peripherals, etc. ) nothing happens.  That's
just a
> > > > minor annoyance since I can use these from Gnome Control Center
anyway, but
> > > > annoying nonetheless.
> > 
> > > Any output on the terminal you started Xwindows on?
> > 
> > No output, just nothing happens.
> > 
> > > > During installation, I am never asked certain questions that I vaguely
> > > > being asked the very first time I installed Linux, such as how much
RAM do I
> > > > have, etc.  It seems to install as if it knows or thinks it's
installing on top
> > > > of another installation of itself.
> > 
> > > You were in expert mode, or it was an older version that didn't detect
> > > your video card so it had to ask.
> > 
> > No, I installed it the first time in regular mode; since then I have been
> > expert mode.  I have always been using the same version of Mandrake (6.1
> > I got on October 4).
> > 
> > > > What gets me is that after I tried Route #1(above), by filling up my
hard drive,
> > > > I should have written over anything hard drive clusters that had Linux
in them
> > > > at one time, right?  Even the boot record was re-made with a new LILO.
 How come
> > > > old Linux glitches are still haunting me?  Why is my GAIM contact list
> > > > intact when it shouldn't be?
> > 
> > > I dunno wish all my personal stuff came back after a format, save me
> > > of time ;)
> > 
> > Well, that would be nice, too, but the thing is my /home directories are
> > totally cleanly installed (DOH!!)  It's like Murphy's Law or something!!
> > 
> > > > I really want to cleanly install Linux to solve some of my problems
and give me
> > > > peace of mind and solid footing for more learning, but I have a
problem doing
> > > > so when I know this machine isn't as pure as I'd like it to be.  That
is, when
> > > > something goes wrong, how do I know whether I'm doing something wrong
or if
> > > > it's just a bad installation?  That's tough on a newbie. Any ideas
would be
> > > > helpful.
> > 
> > > Just let it format the partitions for you (as you normaly do?), the
> > > of mind your looking for (status output of the format cmd?) is located
> > > tty5 (alt-F5)
> > 
> > Thanks for trying to help.  I'm not trying to sound contrary or
> > I'm only explaining more of my problem!  ;-)  I appreciate your help.
> > 
> > Karen

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