On Tuesday 16 March 2004 06:17 pm, Asa Rossoff wrote:
> Hi there, everyone!
> I've asked a couple questions on the list but haven't had any replies. 
> I've also asked those questions some other places - like
> LinuxQuestions.org, with the same result.
> I know that this list and those forums have a lot of traffic, and I know
> that sometimes no one knows what to suggest, or doesn't have the time to
> help someone with a problem ..
> My question today is a little different:   What's the best way to get help
> with a problem?  On this list are there times of day that are best to post?
>  Where's the best place to ask for help?  I know enough to give detailed
> information, and I work hard to solve problems on my own, and I search the
> net for solutions before posting.
I think the best way is to post one question per message, be very clear in 
what you are asking and make sure your subject clearly identifies the 

In looking at the original post that you reference, it is a problem with a 
piece of hardware that is quite obscure, and quite possibly, no one here had 
any experience with it, so I am not surprised there were no responses.  
Honestly, I would only point you to the XFree86.org site for the 
documentation on that card.

As for responding to questions, I personally only tend to respond to questions 
where I think I have something to add.  I think most people do this and it 
cuts down on the noise on the list.  If I and everyone else responded to 
messages with a simple I don't know, then the noise level would go way up.  

I also steer clear of threads that are more than 4 or 5 reponses deep for two 
reasons, 1) the OP is involved in a one-on-one with somebody that is 
providing useful help and involvement of additional would probably add 
confusion, or 2) the conversation has dribbled into a personal or 
lighthearted exchange.

> Thanks.  I look forward to also helping others solve linux problems once I
> know more myself.
The more the merrier.


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