On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 09:13, Anne Wilson wrote:

> Well, if you love a challenge, Times Crossword Puzzle and so on, carry 
> on and get your winmodem working - many of them can be got to work.  
> But if you value your time and want to use it for something more 
> productive, then there's no argument - an external modem is cheap and 
> effective.
> Glad you saw the light ;-) although I wouldn't have told you that you 
> 'must' do so.
> Anne

Dang - back to this again - well, I for one have never had a problem
with getting internal modems to work - especially winmodems - but if ya
really want to have an external modem, more cables hanging about, an
extra transformer to plug in and yadda yadda yadda, by all means,
external modems are fine. I'll personally stick to my internal winmodems
cuz when ya have the right driver and KNOW how to configure the AT
strings for maximal performance, they're a great, cheap
alternative...but that's IMHO, mind you...

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
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