Marc wrote:

Been there done that. I had to put the Gateway HDD in a different machine to format it with a windoze disk before the gateway would recognize it again. The other machine reconized it right away and actually booted right on to the Linux installation on the HDD that I had removed from the Gateway That was 2 different HDDs that worked fine in the gateway (1 Western Digital and 1 Maxtor) until I installed Linux after that the Gateway machine would not reconize eather of them until they were installed in an other machine and reformated using a winbloze disk. After reformating with a windoze disk the Gateway machine was again able to use them with no trouble at all. And as I said in the first bessage I had a old 500 MB HDD with windoze on it that the Gateway computer was able to recognize.
It seems to me like something has been done to the bios in the Gateway to make it NOT recognize any HDD with Linux installed on it.

This sound like it to me. Once you have eliminated the drives themselves, what else is ther but the mobo chips and bios , could be either.

The MOBO was made by Intel but the Bios was customized with the Gateway logo

Sounds very ominous, someone has done a limitation on the bios !

so I really cant say Who is responsible for the bios problems intel or Gateway

Both, intel on behalf of Gateway, but don't rule out the control chips on the mobo, low probability I would of thought, few chip manufacturers are likely to do a costly chip modification, but still a possibility, but my money would be on the bios, it's cheap and easy to doctor.

but due to the fact that Intel brand MOBOs are used in so many brands of computers if this was a Intel related problem I suspect that we all would have heard about it much sooner.

But intel could of made the mobo up with a bios to suit Gateway requirements, and they are OEM in nature and in cahoots with vested interests to keep linux out ?

As I said this machine is less than 3 months old so maybe as time passes we will hear more storys like this.
It seems like this almost had to be something done on purpose to the bios.

But check with intel, if they made the mobo , they should know what the bios is capable of, ask them, get on the net and find a support email address and chase them down, and confront them with the problem, and if it turns out to be the case let them know in no uncertain terms what you think of them and their mobos and wont be buying their boards again. My guess is once they start getting emails along that line they will change, because no mobo manufacturer really wants their boards being excluded because of bios limitations. Most likely if it turns out to be true they will supply a new bios download to overcome the problem pretty smartly, especially a 3 month old mobo.


John Richard Smith

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