This one's a beauty!

"We are firm in our belief that the unchecked spread of open-source software, under the GPL (the General Public License covers Linux and many other open-source programs), is a much more serious threat to our capitalist system than U.S. corporations realize," McBride said.

Sniff? Sniff? is anyone else smelling that stench? This guy needs a shower and an enema, cause one way or another he reeks of something I'd normally scrape off of my shoe!

Gee Darl, Good thing you stopped marketing Caldera Linux then isn't it! But, wait just a minute? Isn't it true that Caldera earned enough money to BUY SCO, using that big ole nasty Open-Source software? What a friggin' hypocrit!

I'm tellin' ya fellow list-members, when this guy is done, his name and reputation won't be worth diddley-squat! Who is this guy, anyway? How can he possibly think that his reputation will be intact once the smoke clears?

Does his rhetoric remind anyone of a certain twit in Redmond?

Even ( and that's a really big stretch! ) if he's got a valid claim, no one's going to want to stand next to this guy for the forseeable future!

Give me a freakin' break!


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