anton wrote:

Lee Wiggers wrote:

may they all die, like all furry aussie animals destroying NZs beautiful and unique nature!
Anton the kiwi who won't be for much longer...
ps. Yes, we do have them, what's more, we have/had a species that is extinct in Aussie! And we graciously gave them to you instead of killing them all! What have you done for us lately? Eh?

We gave you tasmania,

The only place on earth that paints New Zealanders in a good light.. :-)

After all, its so close to NZ, and the people act so much like Kiwis, that its often hard to tell them apart.

The only difference is that in Tasmania, not only is not not bad to marry your sister and procreate, its encouraged and is a statewide pasttime... (always count the number of fingers and toes on a tasmanian girl before getting naughty with her. :-)

LOL, sorry, but had to come up with something in response to a question like that..


Frank Hauptle (aka Franki)

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