On Monday 22 March 2004 10:48 am, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> I know that the commercial packages are not available without paid
> membership with Mandrake but kernel documentation and freeswan and
> tripwire are certainly no commercial (well at least the gpl'd
> tripwire).  What is this fourth CD? Is there some intentional crippling
> for those who have not purchased a membership beyond the commercial
> software / license limitations?

The fourth CD was a convenience for Club Members, but everything on it is 
available on the public ftp mirrors.  If you do not have CD4 when installing, 
you should just hit cancel at the prompt and the installer should go right 
past it and not try to install anything on it.

There is nothing on this fourth CD that is restricted from a licensing sense, 
it was just a convenience for people who supported the deistro by joining the 

There is some confusion right now with respect to the ftp mirror structure and 
where the packages reside, which I think Mandrake soft is working on at the 
moment.  The stage Mandrake is at now may not be a good way to evaluate the 
product.  We are in a pre-release phase right now that is really working out 
the kinks before the distro goes gold and is sent to manufacturing.  You 
might want to install 9.2+updates for now or wait and try 10.0 when the 
official packs come out in May.  At that point, 10.0 should be very stable 
and nearly bug free. 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
Join the Club : http://www.mandrakeclub.com

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