Partition Magic (and the Windows partitioning tool) expect partitions to begin 
and end on cylinder boundaries. Both make sure this is the way the disks are 
physically partitioned. Linux has no such limitation, and this is probably 
the reason for the PM error.

Windows partitions will run just fine if not ended on a cylinder boundary, as 
Linux partitions do also. If you're looking for a good Windows partition 
utility, I wound up buying Paragon Hard Disk Manager (I've no affilliation 
with them, just a user), and have used the app on several occasions where PM 
failed to work. Once you get the error, you can't use PM, it will fail to 
start. I believe there are some free partitioning tools out there, Ranish 
partition manager comes to mind, but I haven't used it in years.

As was mentioned already in this thread, *do not* use PM to repair the 
non-error. If you do, you'll have a non-working Linux installation.

I believe the utility to access the Linux ext2 and ext3 file systems from 
Windows is still included with Paragon, if you have a need for such access.

Rick Kunath

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