On Mon, 01 Nov 1999,Karen M. Heiby wrote:
  | I select all of the updates and click "GO".  I get the explanations for each
  | update, click "OK".  I enter my root password and click "OK".
  | I get the "Please wait..." dialog box for a split second, then it disappears. 
  | It isn't updating anything.
  | Any help would be appreciated.
  | Karen

This is assuming that you are using KDE as your desk top.

Check the "updates" icon's properties by right-clicking the icon, then
selecting "properties" in the pop-up dialog, then select the "execute" tab. In
the text box which contains the MandrakeUpdate command, edit it to look like
"kdesu -c MandrakeUpdate" (without the quotes). I did this and all goes well. I
enter my superuser password when I start the update program (make sure the
"keep password" check box is checked), and I am not asked for it again untill I
run the program again.



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