Thought I would get up to speed with Mandrake10

Running a P3 733Hz 512RAM box with all four PCI's filled [nothing special nor specific]

How my partitions started out from playing around with Mandrake9.1:
/dev/hda5      /
/dev/hda1      /boot
/dev/hda8      /home
/dev/hda3      /mnt/empty
/dev/hdb2      /mnt/hdb2_boot
/dev/hdb5      /mnt/hdb5_root
/dev/hdb6      /mnt/hdb6_var
/dev/hdb7      /mnt/hdb7_usr
/dev/hdb9      /mnt/hdb9_home
/dev/hdb1      /mnt/win_c
/dev/hda4      /tmp
/dev/hda6      /usr
/dev/hda9      /var

So as you can see, two harddrives, windows where it belongs with /empty a partition for backups and sharing stuff betwixt Linux and windows.

Now I go for updating to Mandrake10 [ hda only ]

Didn't go so well and froze at "installing bootloader". Got past that AND got to use the "Mandrake Control Centre" to install more software.
But with things not looking settled, went for the 'clean' install [ without re-partitioning ] and formatting hda5,1,8,4,6&9 to start things off.

Again with the freeze at "installing bootloader" but this time able to back up one and remove entries within lilo that sought to boot the /empty
partition as a windows thing, still made no difference. Able to go through 'Summary' and put some things right even further but....... Upon manual reboot, was able to get into Mandrake10/KDE3.2
Now I go to open "Mandrake Control Centre" and nothing happens.... I mean just nothing happens, like I didn't even try to open in the first place.

Hence "Lawless Mandrake10 Community.

Any suggestions anyone?

Oh, and the main reason for doing the Mandrake10 thing was 'cause I could not get KDE into sound even though sound was there at the start and the test sound made nice noise. Now with KDE3.2 -- dead silence.



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