Marc wrote:

I think it was here on the mandrake list that about 6 months or a year ago I read that Linux was about to pass up Mac and become the second most popular OS. Does any one here have any updates on that? Are we still close to becoming #2?

Thanks Marc

I don't know about over all, but the stats on my site this month are interesting..

Linux: 226

Macintosh OSX:  206
Macintosh Classic:      47

Since its just a HTML help site its pretty non OS specific so I'd guess that the stats are pretty representative.
as you can see, linux is higher then either OSX or classing alone, but together they are ahead of linux.
for the last few months it has been back and forth like this,, some months linux tops both classic and OSX together.

I do have a guy in a mac that visits once or twice a week that may have squed the results towards the macs alittle though.

Its good that they are on a par though.. excellent for linux I'd say.


Frank Hauptle (aka Franki)

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