On 04/02/2004 02:20 AM, Marco Verheul wrote:

I'm terribly sorry, but it seems I accidently trashed your answers on
how to kill the printer queu :-/ I think I remember that John, Paul and
Anne (and maybe Stephen?) send me a reply. I would be most thankfull if
you could send it again. I'll try to be more carefull with the big old
trashbutton over here....

Cups and Printing nonstop garbage

From: Till Kamppeter Subject: Re: [newbie] Cups and Printing nonstop garbage Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2001 05:27:35 -0800

Do the following:

Check whether there are jobs in the queue and kill them:

On the command line enter

lpstat -o

If there is any output, do either

cancel -a <printer name>

to kill all jobs or

cancel <first word of job list line>

to kill one particular job.

     With "kups" click on the "Jobs" tab and right-click on a job entry. In
     the pop-up menu you will find commands to kill the chosen or all jobs
     for this printer.

If this does not stop the printing, do a

killall -9 parallel

as "root".

If there are broken, unkillable jobs, clean up the spool directories:

        service cups stop
        rm -f /var/spool/cups/* /var/spool/cups/tmp/*
        killall -9 parallel
        service cups start

Now the printer should have stopped.

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