Hi guys,

I just started with my first mdk10 install...

during the install I went in and tried to set the network..
It gave me a message that it had already been configured to access the internet,

it had a yes or no box, but it was clear that it was asking if I wanted to change it or not..
it wasn't clear whether or not I was sposed to say yes or no to configure it anyway..
so I said no, meaning "no I don't care about the "configured internet" settings.

Soon as I clicked "no" the install terminated.. and the system rebooted as if I had finished with all configuration optionos..
I never got to see the bootloader settings or anything else, it just rebooted..

luckily the bootloader had set itself and it all started up fine, still it was disconcerting..

The other error was when I booted to the comamnd line and typed:
urpmi ntsysv
as I am often want to do...

It asked me to insert CD1, and when I did, it spat it out and asked again..
after inserting it 4 times, and clearning it etc. I cancelled urpmi..

I mounted the cdrom and had a look in the RPMS directory on the CD..
there was no package for ntsysv....

So that means that the hdlist for mdk10 community wrongly includes ntsysv when it doesn't actually have that package.

Just wondered if anyone else had come accross any of these issues????

(incidently, my DVDrom booted install from CD1 just fine.)

-- rgds

Frank Hauptle (aka Franki)

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