On Monday 05 April 2004 05:46, Andrew Archibald wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 15:31, frankieh wrote:
> > I have next to no knowledge of making rpms,
> >
> > but if nobody with more experiance pops up their heads and volenteers..
> > I will give it a shot and make it
> > publically available..
> Interestingly a story about the latest version of XPde has cropped up on
> slashdot:
> http://developers.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/04/03/2322233&mode=thread&;
> I don't have any experience but from some browsing the installation
> instructions are:
> "
>  General installation instructions:
>  -Decompress the tar.gz in /usr/share as root
>  -Edit the .xinitrc file of the user you want to run XPde and put this
> line:
>  /usr/share/xpde/bin/startxpde
>  -Start X
> "
> http://support.xpde.com/
> If you're looking to build an rpm, you'd presumably have to write a
> script, which does some of the above. I've heard that checkinstall is
> very good for capturing the behaviour of the script and putting it all
> together, if you work out how to write the script! I'm not quite sure
> what you would do for the user specific stuff- maybe do it system wide
> in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ? Or leave it to the user to actually enable
> it if they want? Perhaps this software needs some adapting to work with
> a package based system!
> Good luck!
> A.

Check this page it specific to Mandrake.


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