On Tuesday 06 Apr 2004 7:44 am, Job Evers wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 15:23:38 -0400
> JoeHill wrote:
> > Anyhow, IQ tests are unreliable, culturally and socio-economically
> > biased, and not necessarily an indication of true intelligence.
> I especially love the 'IQ tests' online.  They range from answer 12
> stupid questions (after a couple of tries its pretty easy to get all
> 12 right :-)) to the really long super hard pattern recognition
> tests.

The one I liked the most just kept asking questions until you gave up, 
and then reported your IQ based on how long it took you to realise that 
it wasn't going to stop. (Sorry, I don't have a link.)

This one's a bit of fun (doesn't measure IQ though) 

I learnt a lot of Javascript doing it too.

> > Mine's 136 :-D

hmm... 136D
I hope that's metric.

> Never taken a real one.  I've scored anywhere between 110 on some
> stupid british test (cultural bias) to 180 on one of those 12
> question tests :-)

Mine's 148 = 2 standard deviations, as measured by Mensa. (ie I squeeked 
in). It's 110 as measured by a stupid British TV show.

Richard Urwin

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