On Tue, 06 Apr 2004 18:33:58 +1200
David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Currently have my box connected at friends place via a different exchange and
| all is working Ok, ie can connect to https:// sites and send emails.
| Will talk to contractors who look after my exchange for the teleco tomorrow to
| sort out.

Ok so it wasn't the lines. After lightly heated words with the teleco took my
modem up to friends and tried it on his machine. Same results as I was getting.
Took modem back to where i purchased it this morning and talked them into
exhangeing it (it was well outside the 2 week limit for such). Short story the
new modem acted the same. Got a refund and headed off in seach of another. Ended
up with a USRobotics job.  All is well again.

My thanks to everyone who offered assistance in this project.


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