Użytkownik Fajar Priyanto napisał:

On Thursday 08 April 2004 03:06 pm, Wojciech Podgórni wrote:

>U|ytkownik Fajar Priyanto napisaB:

>>Hi Wojciech,
>>On the networking side. I guess learning to setup a thin client is nice.
>>Have you done DNS, DHCP yet? In my opinion, those are the very basic
>>(and very
>>important) services to be setup in a networking environment.

>No, I am afraid that I haven't done it yet (how it would be working in
>one-computer "network"?). Now that I have two I can at least check the
>results. Can anybody point me to a good beginners' guide for such
>administrative tasks? It would be very helpful for me.
>Wojciech Podgórni

Yes, you're right. But now you can begin experimenting.
Are you familiar with the concept of how the internet works? If you are, then
you're ready to explore DNS server. The http://www.isc.org has lots of
resource about it. After DNS, try to setup DHCP and dynamic DNS. It will make
your network very similar with what MS Windows2000 offers. I got a good
resource from man named and man dhcpd. It's best if we print it out, because
it's quiet lengthy.

Thank you, Fajar. Now I have to buy some hardware and a good Ethernet cable.
Wojciech Podgórni

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