On Tue, 02 Nov 1999,John Aldrich wrote:
  | On Tue, 02 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  | > Nope. The common package is needed for either the communicator or the netscape
  | > (browser only) package.
  | > 
  | Umm...isn't that what I said? ;-) Seriously. I said you'll
  | need netscape-common and your choice of netscape-navigator
  | or netscape-communicator. "netscape-navigator" is the
  | browser-only package. Netscape-communicator is the
  | all-in-one package. :-)
  |     John

You, but I didn't get this one 'till today, and didn't see your responce 'till
after I sent this <shrug> <grin>


The measure of a man is in his honor

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