Anne Wilson wrote:
On Sunday 18 April 2004 15:54, Lanman wrote:

Another Canadian city gets smart. Ya gotta love this stuff!

The thing that makes me uneasy if the quote "Linux's killer app is not Apache, it's cost,". It has been said that M$ have contingency plans to give away windows if necessary until linux is beaten. They are stockpiling funds to cover it. Let's hope that's another report that's wrong, because cost is *the* big factor in too many decisions.


Anne; i can understabd your concern, but hopefully consumers will simply take advantage of Microsoft if they start giving Windows away (Wouldn't that be poetic justice? Consumers taking advantage of Microsoft instead of the other way around?), and then migrate to open-source products when M$ tries to gouge them on Office, etc..

I'm fairly optimistic that consumers will recognize Microsoft's give-away strategy for what it is and exploit Redmond until the feebie's ends. Also, it could be legally argued that Microsoft is using it's domination in the global market to unfairly change it's pricing and marketing strategies. Wouldn't surprise me if some of the other big companies started a class-action suit against M$ if they tried to give Windows away.

Still, Windows would finally be priced in direct relation to it's actual value!


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