On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 12:52:33 -0400
et disseminated the following:

> the real thing is M$ really is crap software,,, they give away the 64 bit 
> version of winXP,,, for now,,, and It is still crap.. I don't use linux cause 
> I can not afford to buy M$, I use linux cause, from where I sit, it ain't 
> broken, and Windows is..ymmv 

How many people have actually *paid* for XP Pro anyway? There's prolly more
pirated copies out there than legit. IIRC, I never forked over a single dime for
Windows or any software that ran on it. Then I found out I could go legit
(well, okay, the MPAA might have a few issues with me), get a better OS, with
all the software I needed, and still not pay a dime. I can see a lot of other
people making the same discovery.

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
"Saddam killed his own people, just like general Pinochet, and once upon a time
both these evil men were supported by the U.S.A.; and whisper it, even Bin Laden
once drank from America's cup just like that election down in Florida this shit
doesn't all add up.." -- Billy Bragg, 'The Price of Oil'

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