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On Saturday 17 April 2004 19:53, Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> Of course, Anne. And I'm not the one to take part in this discussion
> seriously, because I never used Windows myself. My experience stems
> from wathching my collegues and some of my family and friends
> fighting with their Windows-PCs. It seems to be an eternal
> re-install-fest. I don't know if it's possible to "clean" a
> WindowsPC, at least it isn't for them. And they don't enjoy it,
> that's for sure, what with swearing all the time. It doesn't appear
> to me that Windows it especially userfriendly. On the other hand, I
> always enjoy to install a new Mandrake, not because I have to, but
> because it's fun (well, most of the time). A few weeks ago, some
> friends watched me install MDK 10.0CE. Half an hour later
> everything was functional and updated. And I never had a virus, a
> worm, a trojan or anything malicious. And updating is a no-brainer
> nowadays. That, I call userfriendly.
It's not so much pig-headed resistance to change that's the enemy, I 
find, as the fear that it will take too much time to learn a new 
system.  I'm pluggin away at the family, but getting nowhere.  You are 
right about the constant battles, though in fairness, the only machines 
that I maintain that had problems before the virus storms of the last 
year were two boxes where demos and such were constantly being 
installed and uninstalled.  All the ones that were used seriously were 
pretty stable.  Problem is that they would be the ones who would 
benefit most from changing now, and they are the ones where the owners 
can't face the change, especially since I won't be on hand to hold 
hands during the aclimatisation.  It's not the value of windows that 
has so many enthralled, just the installed base.  So many people have 
similar experiences and can help out.

One of my users, for instance, needed help on a day when I just could 
not get to her.  The problem appeared to be connected to Mozilla (for 
windows).  She rang the small computer firm down the road, who said 
that the only way they could help her was by taking off Mozilla.  She 
can go to them for upkeep of her box, no problem, but she would have to 
use M$ Office and Outlook.  They only know windows software and they 
were not even prepared to look at the box if she wanted to keep Moz.

She had to wait until the next day when I could go to her.  The problem 
was fixed in 2 minutes, and it took me an hour's drive each way to do 
it.  It was her modem, by the way, not the software at all.

So, inertia on the part of some, and fear on the part of others, is what 
I'm seeing.  I do believe that we will gradually win people over, but 
the battle is far from won.

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