On Saturday 17 April 2004 04:39 pm, Guy Rouillier wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Apr 2004 13:19:02 -0700
> Erylon Hines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Admitted, but that doesn't have anything to do with usability,
> >> consistency and device support, right?  And don't get too
> >
> >comfortable,> as soon as Linux gets enough penetration in the desktop
> >market (which I> definitely think it will - think of 1.3 billion users
> >in China), the> evil-doers will turn their attention on it.  They've
> >pretty much ignored> it for now since they get so much more bang for
> >the buck from Windows.>
> >
> >> I work with some Unix/Linux diehards.  When I asked one for help with
> >
> >my> digital camera under LInux, he sheepishly admitted that he uses
> >Windows> at home, simply because of device support.
> >
> >If you had chosen your camera with the intent to use it with Linux,
> >that wouldn't be an issue, now would it?  Because I run Linux, I have
> >to think ahead and choose my hardware carefully, and then my hardware
> >works. And I don't care if the bad guys turn their attention to Linux.
> >What you don't seem to understand is that the system architecture is
> >different.  Someone's script can't run on my machine without my jumping
> >through very specific hoops to allow it to do so (unless I run as
> >root--in which case Darwinian theory comes into play).  The evil-doers
> >have ignored Linux because they can't figure a way to get me to su to a
> >terminal and chmod +x the toy that they've created, and then ./etc.
> I understand what you are saying, but I don't agree with it.  I'm going
> to pick a camera that does what I want, not one that suits Linux.
> Besides, the issue I mentioned is with a memory card reader, which would
> have occurred regardless of which camera I picked.
> Regarding your comments about the *nix architecture providing
> protection, true, it does make it harder to exploit.  But that's the
> thing about intrusions - they find holes you don't know about.

ahh,,, NO


> Obviously, Linux has much fewer of them given the number of publicized
> intrusions to date.

looking at "pubicized intrusions" between a closed source system, and an open 
sources system is kinda apple and oranges... and naturally gives the open 
source a great disadvantage

> Look, I'm here,
> I like Linux, I'm finding more tools that make Linux
> becoming my full time OS more feasible.
I think we all agree,,, and there is no reason not to have it full time.imho.

> I just find the winsux-winblows 
> comments irritating.

some of us use the other names for M$ hardware to avoid search engines from 
finding our posts about camaras (or anything) and windows if that was what 
was searched for 
> Since Windows 2000, I've found that platform to be 
> very stable and interface design pretty consistent across applications.
> Ever try to cut and paste from nedit into sylpheed, for example?  Why
> can't everyone agree on something simple like a clipboard, for crying
> out loud?
well,,, from where I stand,, cut and paste really is _the_ reason to chose one 
OS over another...  (not) while I don't use nedit or sylpheed much,,, I 
figure you are looking at the difference between manners to cut and paste, as 
opposed to a 'real' cut and paste problem. adn besides,,, if there really was 
a problem, I bet someone would have made a program to allow it,,,you and I 
just don't know about it, me because I have never had the problem, and you 
because you are still new to linux 
linux counter #167806

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