Hi all.I originally sent this to the OOo users list.

I'm trying to change the default font and *font size* for text documents
in OOo. I do not seem to be able to change the font size and save as the
default. I would be willing to create a new style or template or
whatever is necessary so long as when I open a new document it opens
with my choice of font and font size. I've tried creating a custom style
but it is only good for the open document. There's got to be some
relatively easy/direct way of doing this, I just can't seem to find it. 

Also I am unable to change the default format for saving documents. As
it is now the default is for MS Word. Nothing I do seems to change it.
Choosing Tools> Options> Load/save> General and selecting text document,
changing the "Always save as" field from MS Word to OOo 1.0 changes it
only as long as OOo is running. Once I close the program it reverts to
the MS Word format.In addition to being very inconvenient, I find it
offensive that the default should be to the MS format.

OH yes, I'm running Linux Mandrake 9.2 if that matters.

Here are the responses I got. 

> For your document default, you need to create a new document and set
> your defaults. Then save it as a template, and set that template to be
> your default. Then when you open a new document, the template will be
> imported and the defaults obeyed. You can also add styles to the
> template if you like.
> I don't know what to tell you about the save preferences.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Langsley, 
>         Please have a look in the FAQ :
> http://user-faq.openoffice.org as what you 
> want to do is explained there - changing the default template.
What it says at the above URL.

> How can I setup styles for my default document? If you do a “File” =>
> “New” without specifying a template, your default template will be
> used to set up the new document.
> You can change this to suit your preferences for example by changing
> the attributes of the standard styles or by adding your own custom
> styles. You then need to save this as a template, by “File” =>
> “Templates” => “Save” to save it with a filename like "MyDefault.stw".
> Finally, to make this your default “File” => “Templates” =>
> “Organize”, select "MyDefault.stw" and and “Commands” => “Set As
> Default Template”.

My response.

> OK I followed the directions from shane:
> > For your document default, you need to create a new document and set
> > your defaults. Then save it as a template, and set that template to
> be
> > your default. Then when you open a new document, the template will
> be
> > imported and the defaults obeyed. You can also add styles to the
> > template if you like.

> Everything went fine through saving as template. I now have a document
> template with my name. After that though it falls apart. I can find no
> way to use the template for anything other than document I used to
> create it.
> I the followed the directions from the FAQ:
> > How can I setup styles for my default document? If you do a “File”
> =>
> > “New” without specifying a template, your default template will be
> > used to set up the new document.
> > 
> > You can change this to suit your preferences for example by changing
> > the attributes of the standard styles or by adding your own custom
> > styles. You then need to save this as a template, by “File” =>
> > “Templates” => “Save” to save it with a filename like
> "MyDefault.stw".
> > Finally, to make this your default 

> When I do this I get the following error message. Error writing
> document <name.stw>
> General error Error input/output error.
> Actually I had tried all of the above before writing. I have since
> tried this on two separate machines both running Mandrake 9.2 with the
> same
> results. 
> Now what?!?!

So far that's where it stands with the OOo list. Nobody seems to have an

Am I actually dealing with a Mandrake issue here, and not an OOo problem
per se?? I'd sure like to get this resolved. Any help would be greatly

LTR  }}:{(

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