On Sun, 2004-04-18 at 23:05, Owain Sutton wrote:

> I may be massively missing the point, or shifted into another dimesion 
> or something, but isn't this the NEWBIE list?  Where the hell do you 
> think Linux newbies come from?  I'm trying my hardest to like Linux, but 
> I've found nothing so far that was not easier on XP
> ______________________________________________________________________
I was showing an assistant manager at work my linux laptop a couple of
weeks ago. He felt the same way about win xp. He doesn't want anything
that he would actually have to think about. I think that is the major
problem with windows. Linux makes you think about what you are doing and
you may learn something in the process. I recently put Gentoo on one of
my computers. It was a mental workout and one hell of an experience.
Mandrake is something like XP. You just install it and things just work.
You may have to install some things to tweek it, but all in all it just
works. I have been playing with Linux since 1999 and have been using it
exclusively for over a year now. I still consider myself a newbie. I
think the Linux world is seeing that Linux needs to be functionable as a
desktop environment and not just as server software. Mandrake fits this
need. I deleted XP from my life because I found everything I need in
linux. I sat down and thought about what I do on the computer and no
longer have to worry about viruses infecting my hard drive or even
rebooting. I don't have to worry about my computer freezing in the
middle of something. Keep using linux as a second OS and you will soon
see the differences.


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