On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 22:56:00 +0200
Miroslav Skoric disseminated the following:

> I know that and in fact I did it once a couple of months ago. I did it 
> as root but somehow it screwed up my user account's behavior that I 
> couldn't resolve withouth complete re-installation from scratch. I don't 
> understand what MS fonts should solve here

Nothing, just an a suggestion *if you wanted the TrueType fonts*. 
> > First install cabextract:
> > 
> > urpmi cabextract
> > 
> > then download and install/run this RPM:
> > 
> > http://www.orderinchaos.org/msttcorefonts-bootstrap-0.1-4brs.noarch.rpm
> > 
> > ...then just sit back and watch the magic!
> Would you be so kind to give me some details on what these two are 
> supposed to do. I still do not understand what the problem is, because 
> the 'original' (but a bit outdated) Mozilla 1.3 looks fine on my screen. 
> It looks to me that whatever is installed onto the original setup of Mdk 
> 9.1 looks poor although being capable to run elsewhere.

These just install the TrueType fonts, not necessary at all, like I said, just a

Registered Linux user #282046
Homepage: www.orderinchaos.org
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    • ... p . b . burton
  • ... Pedro _
  • ... Pedro _
  • ... Pedro _
  • ... Jesüs Arocho
  • ... Per-Olof Litby - Reg'l Mgr - Nordic/Baltic - Java System Software - Sun Microsystems
    • ... Miroslav Skoric
      • ... Paul Smith
        • ... JoeHill
          • ... Miroslav Skoric
            • ... JoeHill
              • ... Miroslav Skoric
            • ... Miroslav Skoric
        • ... Miroslav Skoric
          • ... Ron Hunter-Duvar
            • ... Miroslav Skoric
          • ... JoeHill
          • ... Paul Smith
        • ... Miroslav Skoric
          • ... Stephen Kuhn

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