Lanman wrote:
Tony S. Sykes wrote:

Microsoft is expected to recommend that the "average" Longhorn PC feature a dual-core CPU running at 4 to 6GHz; a minimum of 2 gigs of RAM; up to a terabyte of storage; a 1 Gbit, built-in, Ethernet-wired
port and an 802.11g wireless link; and a graphics processor that runs three times faster than those on the market today.

While I'm currently drooling all over those specifications, I can't see Longhorn being ready to ship for at least 2 years, since some of that hardware is not available yet, and most consumers are not about to spend that kind of money on a system (with the exception of a long list of distinguished fellow list-members) just so they can have an "average" system!

On the other hand, I can see many of us telling our employers that we'll bite the bullet and accept Longhorn on our systems, just so we can have that kind of horsepower on our desktops, after which we would promptly install Linux, and never look back at Longhorn again( except when the boss was around)! Grin!

If those are the average system specs, then Longhorn is definitely the most bloated OS, second to none! I suppose that's one for the Guinness books?

Jeesh! 4 to 6 Ghz P4 CPU's with Hyper Threading? Anyone for Solitare?

Grin! Drool!

My school's computer centre still recommends Windows 98 (for those of us who aren't using Unix/Linux, that is). They're fed up with having to send techies out to sort out a problem with some bozo installing XP with no security and bringing down the whole domain. God knows what they'll make of Longhorn.

BEAVIS: Huh huh, he said "horn".
BUTTHEAD: Uhuh huh, is your horn long, Beavis?

Sir Robin

“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.”
- Voltaire

Robin Turner
Bilkent Universitesi
Ankara 06533

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