On Thu, 04 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> On Thu, 04 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> > can anyone help?
> > I have installed mandrake 6.1 on an athlon system and it all
> > went well except i have 256 megs of ram but linux seems to recognize
> > only
> > 16 megs of it.
> >
> A couple things occur to me right off the bat:
> do you have set on in your BIOS "memory hole at 16 MB"????
> If so, try turning it off.
> Second, you SHOULDN'T need to do this, but you can try
> putting this at the LILO prompt:
> linux append='mem=256mb' (quotes included this time.) That
> should force it to see all 256 megs, however, I've read on
> this list that with the later kernels, you shouldn't have
> to do this...
>       John

    I believe it's a Athlon/'not quite ready for prime time'
motherboard issue.  I have no first hand experience with it, but
I've seen a lot of this type complaint about Athlon mobo's on
several hardware NG's.  Sort'a funny that the Cu-mine/8xx chipset
mobo's have a similar deal.
..      Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      .

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