On Wed, 03 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> > NOW you know why they say to upgrade your kernel with rpm
> > -ivh instead of -uvh. :-)
> >     John
>     Now ya tell me ;->  I guess i was lucky, dodged a bullet. When
> I saw that 'update' wanted to change out kernel 2.2.9-19, for
> 2.2.9-27 to fix the 'file system busy' problem when shutting down,
> I d/l'd the 6.1 kernel instead (2.2.13-7).  I used Kpackage to
> install it, edited lilo.conf, ran lilo, and I was done. Reboot and
> the 2.2.13 kernel was used.
Well, there's good reason to keep the "old" kernel around as a
backup. At least if you screw up the installation of your new kernel,
you will have the old one to fall back on (as bad as it is, it's a
LOT better than trying to make a boot floppy when your machine
doesn't dual-boot. <G>)

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