On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 13:39, Todd Slater wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 10:58:58AM +0300, rhein wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I installed XFce4 last night... I don't know if I installed everithing 
> > because I downloaded packages untill the rpms installed without error 
> > message... :-[   It is a bit confusing the way rpms work!
> <snip>
> >   2. My problem is the following: when I reduse a window (for exemple
> >      thunderbird) where is it going and how can I restore it? I tried
> >      left and right mouse button and nothing... I now it is something
> >      stupid but I could not find it.
> I just d/l'd Charles' rpm's for 9.2 for my livecd experiment and I
> noticed that the option to start xftaskbar4 is commented out of the
> xinitrc script. I can't remember exactly where that lives, maybe
> /usr/etc/xfce4/xinitrc ? Just uncomment that line in the script.

It's at  /etc/X11/xfce4/
> ______________________________________________________________________

josenildo marques 
icq #289971493 
homepage http://cyb.ezdir.net
registered linux user #341648
"Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying,
or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from
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