On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 14:18, Trevor wrote:

> > But I am STILL a citizen of the US, therefore, I have the rights of a US
> > citizen - and even once I become an Aussie-Stray-Yan citizen, I can
> > enjoy the rights of being a DUAL citizen. Nyah!
> Nope. They don't allow that anymore.  One of us, or one of them.  Take your 
> pick.  hehe

Oh? Hmmm...well, being a bit more versed on Australian Immigration Law
and procedure, as of 2002, Australians (and immigrants) can now hold a
dual citizenship (if they so desire). HA! Dig that...I do my homework

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
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