I've been using Xfce4 near-exclusively for a couple of months now, and I've absolutely 
fallen in love with it-- coming from KDE, I feel like I've "graduated", in a way. ;) 
Unfortunately, I've run into a serious problem in the last couple of weeks and hope 
that someone can help.

Once every day or two, for no apparent reason, every single application opened in a 
particular workspace will suddenly disappear. It's like I killed them all at once. 
There's no warning, there are no error messages-- everything in that workspace just 
vanishes. It has (so far) only happened in whichever workspace is active; applications 
opened in other workspaces are unscathed. It appears to be random-- I haven't been 
able to pin the behavior to a particular application or action. Sometimes it happens 
while I'm working; other times I'll leave the room and return several minutes later to 
find everything gone. I haven't been able to purposely duplicate the problem.

It happens on both my home and work computers, too-- while both are running Mandrake 
9.2, the computers themselves basically have only the Intel architecture in common. 
The two are configured and run very differently. I installed Xfce4 using the same 
packages on both machines. I had thought that perhaps there was some kind of conflict 
with software I had installed at home, but that wouldn't explain why I see the same 
behavior at work.

Is anyone familiar with this issue? I've had a quick look at the Xfce4 forums, and 
haven't seen anything promising. I was going to post this over there, but I worried 
that perhaps I've been missing something painfully obvious. I've embarrassed myself in 
this list before, so I know what to expect. ;)

Thanks very much in advance.

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