Aron Smith wrote:

I'm sure this was covered some where but,
I got to the point that i had only 12 Kb free on a 20 Gb drive (Not Good)
I do have an Identical drive installedproblem is I can't rembember if I had installed anything on it
any way of Identifying it and using it as a new /home directory

You can use harddrake to see if there are partitions on the drive. If there are, you can mount them, and see what is on them. You can also delete what is on the drive, and create your own partitions. If the drive you are looking at has partitions already mounted, then you are looking at the wrong drive. (You probably do not want hda...)

Once you have the drive the way you want it, you will need to mount it on a tempary mount point, and copy /home to it. Then rename /home to something like /home1, create a new /home directory, and set the new home partition to mount on /home.

I usualy use command line tools to do this, but it looks like you can use harddrake to do the partition changes. I am not sure what the easyest way to copy /home to the new partition is. If you do it from X, make sure you are root when you do it. From the command line, I like to use Midnight Commander (mc) to do that type of copy.


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