On May 3, 2004 20:07, L66 wrote:
> Hello again,
> I also have tried several PowerPC linux "distros" on my G4, including
> Mandrake Linux and Gentoo Linux.
> They all give me the same result: before I see any text or what the
> screen is garbled and the computer hangs (well, the caps lock key
> doesn't work anymore, so I assume that). The screen contains a pattern
> of black and blue vertical stripes. Maybe my flatscreen has something
> to do with that.
> Specifications:
> PowerMacintosh G4 "mirrored drive doors"
> 1 processor at 1.25 GHz
> 768 MB of RAM
> Two internal IDE harddisks, one 40 GB, another 120 GB.
> An internal IDE Sony CD writer/DVD reader
> A "Miglia" Alchemy TV card (PCI)
> An ATI Radeon 9000 video card with 64 MB of VRAM
> Apple USB keyboard and mouse
> An ACER AL1911 19" LCD connected to a VGA convertor to the mac.
> Since all works fine on a G4 Quicksilver I think it might be the
> display, however, I don't have another one around here. I get one from
> another location tomorrow. Could it also be the TV card?
> Thanks for reading,
> Leen

Might be totally unrelated, but I've seen the same jailbird stripes pattern, 
on my old Dell Dimension XPS R400 (a Pentium II, circa 1998, recently 

Turned out it was something to do with the power management. My monitor is 
supposed to be power management friendly, but not with Linux (at least not 
Mandrake, the only distro I've tried). I turned it off in the BIOS and on the 
built-in monitor menu, but it was still being activated by Linux. Then I 
discovered System -> Configuration -> KDE -> Power Control -> Display Power 
Control, and turned it off from there. 

Now there's no problem as long as someone is logged in (I usually just lock 
the screen and turn off the monitor power when I leave). But it still gives 
me the stripes if I leave it sitting at the X login prompt. But if I click 
around till I hit the login window (not hard since it's always in the same 
spot), that window will come back, with stripes still in the background.

IIRC, it was hanging completely until I disabled the BIOS power management. 
But that was 2 months ago, which is ancient history for my tired old brain 
cells, so I could be wrong. I remember having to hard reset several times 
after the first install. Something to look at anyway.

Ron Hunter-Duvar
ronhd at users dot sourceforge dot net

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