I Dual boot Mdk & a patched to the gills Norton Utilities equipped W98.
98 can be made fairly stable with a little effort. I haven't had a BSOD for
at least a week ;-) - plenty of browser crashes though (ISP advice: "have
you rebooted? windows just does that sometimes.......). I get browser
crashes with MDK/Netscape too, but usually Xkill sorts it out (ctrl+alt+
back once or twice). Mandrake 6.1 cost me about US$ 7.50 (inc postage)
What will W2k/NTx offer me that M6.1 doesn't? How much does it cost?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Gentile [Oh, everyone who doesn't agree with your viewpoint is a
"Microsoft plant?"
No, I am just an Engineer who has used both since 1993. You're spreading
crap and it's UN-professional as well as false. Have you used Windows NT?
Have you used Windows 2000 for 6 months as I have? No? THEN DON'T MAKE
STATEMENTS OUT OF YOUR BEHIND. I have told you the truth - I have been
running for 6 months and instead you choose to believe myths instead of
direct experience.

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