On Fri, 2004-05-21 at 16:41, JoeHill wrote:
> Kenneth Brown, president of the 'Alexis de Tocqueville Institution', has written
> a great big book in which he:
> "...conducted a comprehensive study on the source of open-source code,
> tracing the free-software movement over three decades, including interviews with
> some two-dozen principal developers of Linux..."
> Really? Then how, after all that, did he find a way to make this error:
>  "Among the conclusions is that there is a high probability that Linux is a
> derivative work, based on previous operating systems -- including, but not
> limited to, Unix and Minux,"
> 'Minux'? Dontcha mean MINIX, prof? LOL!
> Well, shows ya what them book-learnin' people know...
> Link:
> http://tinyurl.com/ywrx7
> Groklaw takes him apart messily here:
> http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20040518204701382


and the register yesterday at 


Where Tenebaum (writer of Minix) decribes the author of the article as
'not the sharpest knife in the box'.

Paul M.
In the beginning, man created god.

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