I just got my L-M 6.0 configured with 2 NIC's the other day...after much
reading and fiddling...etc...(read re-installs)I found the trick for me
Depending on the NIC's...install the ISA jumpered FIRST, then a ISA/PCI PnP,
although I recall reading somewhere that for can force Linux to try and detect
2 NIC's...but I don't remember the command or flags (perhaps someone can
expand on that).

James Mellema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The major reason I run Win2K now is I have been unable to use linux as a
> gateway to my cablemodem setup. (the other reason is I need to be
> familiar with it so I can work with my IT clients). After uncountable
> tries, and many thousands of pages of reading, I have been unable to get
> mandrake to recognize more that one ethernet card on my server. So,
> until I find the magic key I'm stuck with Windows at least for that
> particular function.
> Jim
> --
> James Mellema, CRNA MA
> ______________________________
> Linux User #71650

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