On Sat, 06 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> > Yep. I'm getting 'em too. I put "private.mindspring.net" in my
> > filters. Now, any mail I get from ANY of those servers is going
> > straight into my trash. :-)
> >         John
> Guys....Me too! Today was the first time.  One for each reply.
Yeah...Axalon said he'd taken care of it, but apparently it's still
going on, 'cause I switched on my Windows box to download a whole
bunch of stuff from my Hotmail account (which is basically not being
used any more <G>) in my Outlook Express.  Unfortunately, Outlook
Express also downloaded new mail from my main account here, and there
were a couple messages from "private.mspring.net" so it really does
appear that it's still going on! :-(
(Hey, Axalon...I'm still seeing email bouncing from
that "private.mspring.net" series of systems!)

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