On Sun, 2004-06-13 at 00:07, Marv Boyes wrote:

> Anyway, my question (there IS a question) is this-- is there a 
> convenient way to uninstall programs I've installed, or (more often) 
> tried to install, from source? There's probably a lot of crap strewn all 
> over my hard drive, and I'd like to be able to clean some of it up. I'd 
> also like to know for any future failures to run things I've compiled 
> from source.
> Any guidance would be greatly appreciated; thanks very much in advance.
> Marv

Sounds like it's too late for stuff already there, but checkinstall
should take care of future problems/sucesses

> ----------
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Good project.

Just set up on my box.

Paul M.
In the beginning, man created god.

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