cyberclay wrote:
> Hey,
>   I tried to upgrade my kernel (using rpm -Uvh kernel*.rpm instead of
> kernel -i kernel*.rpm).  Then I forgot to run lilo before rebooting, and
> now linux can't boot.  I have no other boot media besides the Linux
> Mandrake CD (which does not have a rescue option).  I have Windows 98 on
> this system, and I'm able to do everything fine in there.  How can I boot
> linux?  I do not know which is my root partition.

Without knowing which is the root partition, it'll be a little

You _CAN_ use the Mandrake CD as a rescue CD, but I certainly wouldn't
recommend it for the timid.  Either way, here's what I do:

Boot the Mandrake CD and answer the questions up until you get to the
one about where the installation media is at.  Tell it that it's the
Local CD and it will mount it up.  The other thing it will do is start a
root console on Alt-F2.  So, hit Alt-F2 to get to that prompt.

My local machine is setup like this:

        /dev/hda1       /boot
        /dev/hda2       swap
        /dev/hda3       /

At the prompt, type:

        mount /dev/hda3 /mnt
        mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/boot

That will mount your existing Linux partitions so you can get to them. 
>From there, you'll need to start working with that system, so type:

        chroot /mnt /bin/bash

That will change the system's idea of it's root directory to be your
previously installed system.  First thing to do would be to change to
/etc and make sure lilo.conf is correct.  If it's not, edit it and make
it so.

Once you've got things straightened away, you can reinstall your lilo by


Assuming there are no errors, you're done, so type:


You're now out of the changed root and back to the installation system. 
Finish things up by:

        cd /
        umount /mnt/boot
        umount /mnt

(those umounts are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!  If you forget them, you'll face
an fsck when you reboot your machine!)

You can safely hit the CTRL-ALT-DELETE at this point to reboot the
machine.  Remove your Mandrake CD and you should be booting from your
old system (and new kernel!).

Good luck!!
Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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