On Friday 18 June 2004 01:41 am, Lanman wrote:
> Aron Smith wrote:
> > Putting a new Box togeather having trouble installing Mandrake machine is
> > setup to boot from CD drive (DVD rom CD-RW combo)
> > trouble is system cannot find the drive any suggestions?
> > Board is a Jetway V4MDM/V4MDMP
> > RAM 512 Mb
> > HDa 120G. samsung
> > trying to install Mdk-10
> Aron; Your post says that the system is not detecting the CD Drive? Do
> you mean that the CD drive isn't found by the motherboard or by the O/S?
> I just want to be sure I understood you correctly.
> If the drive isn't being detected by the motherboard, try the following;
> 1) Find the jumper on the motherboard to reset the CMOS and follow
> Jetway's instructions on resetting it. Make sure that AC power and the
> onboard battery are both removed when you do.
> 2) Make sure that you're using an 80 pin cable on the DVD drive.
> 3) Make sure that you have correctly set the Master/Slave jumpers on any
> other drives as well as the DVD drive.
> 4) Make sure that you connected power from your PSU to the DVD drive.
> 5) Try switching IDE cables with other ones that you know are in good
> shape.
> 6) Disconnect all other drives on the system, and try connecting only
> the DVD drive to both the Primary and Secondary IDE interfaces on the
> motherboard.
> 7) If none of this works, try any other Optical drive (CD, CDRW, etc.)
> on this system board, in case the interfaces or BIOS are defective.
> 8) Try connecting the DVD drive to another system temporarily to see if
> it's detected or not - paying attention to Master/Slave jumpers on this
> other PC as well. If necessary, disconnect all other drives from this
> system while testing the DVD drive, just to make sure that you don't
> have a conflict. Remember that the system doesn't need to boot into the
> OS to see if the drive is detected or not.
> 9) Replace the motherboard if no other drives or IDE cables do the
> trick, and re-run these tests.
Oh joy after I get the fence painted Friday ;-D
Thanks I want to take a swing at a n Athelon 64 next.
> Lanman

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