On Friday 18 June 2004 11:56 am, Hoyt Bailey wrote:

->keep it as far below 105C as you can.

Hoyt, are you sure about that? If my Athlon 2100 gets to 55C it starts getting 
flakey, and at 60C and above it will spontaneously reboot and/or crash.

My sons Duron at 1.3 will run at about 50C much more stable but still...


I mean I know you're saying keep it as far below that as possible but seems 
like a dangerous number to start out at. I would say keep it as far below 50C 
as you can. Extra fans, better airflow, Volcano CPU fans, whatever it takes.

>From what Tom Brinkman has always told me, the reported temp on most MBs is 
actually lower than what it really is!


                                                                 Dark< >Lord

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