On Fri, Jun 18, 2004 at 03:30:27PM -0300, Flávio Henrique wrote:
> Hi Todd,
> thank you for the answer...
> but look,
> > On Sat, Jun 12, 2004 at 09:41:20AM -0300, Flávio Henrique wrote:
> > >    Hi guys.
> > >
> > >    I  trying  to  test  Mozilla  Calendar  with  WebDAV but I having
> some
> > >    problems...
> > >
> > >    I go to my Mandrake Control Center and I hit "Mounted Points" (I
> don't
> > >    know  exactly  how to say it in english, because I use another
> idiom),
> > >    after I hit "WebDAV's mounted points"
> > >
> > >    I  receive  the  message: "The package davfs must be installed. Do
> you
> > >    wish to install now?"
> > >
> > >    Points', like if I did hit "No".
> > >
> > >    I  use  the  add/remove/update  packages  to see something else, but
> I
> > >    can't see this package...
> > >
> > >    Someone can help me with this ?
> >
> > You don't need to create a mount point or format a partition for
> > mod_dav, it will just work with Apache once you have davfs and mod_dav
> > installed (just use urpmi).
> Ok. Made.
> >
> > The trick, then, is setting up your Apache directory with the proper
> > permissions. You need to turn webDAV on for the directory, and specify
> > an .htaccess file if you want. For example:
> >
> > <Location /calendars>
> >         DAV On
> > AuthType Basic
> > AuthName "WebDAV Calendars"
> > AuthUserFile /var/www/calusers
> > <LimitExcept GET HEAD OPTIONS>
> >         Require valid-user
> > </LimitExcept>
> > </Location>
> >
> > And of course restart Apache.
> Ok. Made.
> Except for the lines:
>  <LimitExcept GET HEAD OPTIONS>
>          Require valid-user
>  </LimitExcept>
> to no have problems with autentications in my tests...
> >
> > It takes some tinkering to figure out how to publish a calendar using
> > Mozilla, though.i
> Here is my problem.
> Because I really don't know what should be happen when I publish a calendar.
> ( I think should create a file in my /dav/ directory )
> I using apache2 in a Lan (I mean without access from Internet, just in my
> internal network)
> I install my apache2 and test in my network and works
> ( I type and the page from Linux server opens)
> In some tutorials that I read seems that I need a VirtualHost set in my
> httpd2.conf,
> so I need to use something like http://www.myhost.com
> is this right ?
> I can't use ?
> I looking for some help to test if my webDAV is working but I can't find.
> Some tips will be great.

Naw, you don't need a virtual host unless you want one. Since you don't
have any restrictions set, you should just be able to publish the
calendar by specifying the IP and directory from Mozilla Calendar. For
example, .


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