On Saturday 19 June 2004 04:54 am, Alastair Fay wrote:
> Hi,
> I had quite a bit of fun with my computer - a HP 1210
> (All-in-one scanner/printer thing...usb
> connectionetect the printer, and happily print.... B U
> T... it would just churn out paper - literally, just
> feed it through paper non-stop. It never actually used
> any ink...
> Anyone else had problems like this? It did amuse me
> for a while..... then when I actually *needed* to
> print out something it started to annoy me...
That is because you have the wrong version of HPOJ 
You need HPOJ 0.91 or better and HPIJS 1.5 or better 
Get both from linuxprinting.org
You will have to compile them yourself.
> Ali
> --- JRH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I gotta buy a new printer, as my old HP 510 has
> > finally died.
> >
> > I've got my eye on a Lexmark USB version (cos it's
> > cheap!) and my neighbour
> > has one, and it works ok for him, but on Windows.
> >
> > Has anyone had any Mandrake and USB printer
> > experience? Will it work on 10CE
> > without a huge amount of upheaval?
> >
> > I dont want to go buy it and find I gotta go into
> > Windoze to use it :-)
> >
> > JRH
> >
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