On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 19:04:24 -0400
RickS disseminated the following:

> >Why play those games through WineX when Linux clients are
> >available?
> BTW Joe,
> do you use the rpm from contrib or the versions from
> http://icculus.org/quake2/  ???
> if so .. what version ? 

I built mine from the Icculus source, latest version was, IIRC, 0.15?

>From here:


The graphics, if you build the Quake2Max version, are *kick ass*.

JoeHill RLU #282046 /  www.orderinchaos.org
19:34:13 up 8 days, 57 min, 9 users, load average: 1.74, 1.51, 1.02
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