On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 02:19:46 -0500, Hoyt Bailey wrote
> /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part12
>                       24601004   3389416  19961900  15% /backup

Cool!  Someone else with a hankering for a backup partition.

I partition every HD with at least one backup partion (usually mounted 
on /backup/hda, /backup/hdb, etc) and usually give it 50% of the disk 
space.  This way it's at least big enough to save a copy of the entire 
working partitions (or a good supply incremental backups), although to be 
honest, 20g backup more than covers my needs.  And more importantly, having 
a backup partition on two drives guarantees you won't be toasted should one 
drive fail.  Just my personal preferences...

I'm curious.  What is the reasoning for splitting /boot at all?  Why not 
simply leave it in the root / partition?  I've always seen it suggested to 
be split into it's own partion, I just don't see the point.


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