On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 13:14:43 -0500, Hoyt Bailey wrote
> On Monday 28 June 2004 12:56, Scott Mazur wrote:
> > As another personal preference, I always create a single partition 
> mounted 
> > as /system at 1g size.  I use this partiton to keep custom scripts 
> (like 
> > backup/recovery and setup), copies of config files, browser links, 
> misc 
> > info, etc.  It's just big enough to be useful without taking up to 
> much 
> > space.  It's my permanent storage area.  Between installs and upgrades 
> I can 
> > wipe every other partition (including /home) if I have to, without 
> loosing 
> > all my own hard work.  I'm also guaranteed that no other 
> install/ugrade 
> > process will try to touch my stuff.
> > 
> And when your HD goes to the happy hunting ground what then.

The /system partition gets copied entirely to the /backup/hda partition, 
which in turn is copied directly to the /backup/hdb partition (second 
drive).  /backup/hda is also copied entirely to a second box, which in turn 
keeps it safe by duplicating it on two drives.  It's maybe excessive 
redundancy (and wasted disk space), but nothing short of my house burning 
down is ever going to knock out 4 drives in 2 boxes (knock on wood).  And if 
my house burns down, well then I've got more things to worry about than the 
melted cdrom/tape backups I had sitting on the shelf.  /system never really 
goes away ;)

Actually the scripts I keep in /system are far more involved.  They also 
catalogue users, installed RPMS, network settings and modify server config 
files (apache, named, nfs, postfix, shorewall, etc).  In fact the /system 
directory (and a full /backup)is all I need to bring a blank box up to full 
running and configured status with the minumum fuss (the important stuff 
anyway).  Makes upgrading a breeze (or at least repeatable).  It's really 
nice to just click through the default install cdroms then let the scripts 
in /system take over (post-install) to install/configure the missing pieces 
to bring the machine back to my prefered settings.


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