JW> It's the best tool for the best job.  In many cases the best combination of
JW> tools, in fact.

This is a good point. One of the great things about free (as in freedom) software is 
the ability to stitch things together. For instance, I needed a way to track cisco 
router configuration changes without springing the $$$ for Ciscoworks. So I took 
RANCID (a C/Perl/Expect program that collects configs and stores them in CVS), and 
tied it to Chora (a PHP-based CVS viewer). A little tweaking here and there, and I had 
a program that would automatically download configs and give me a very nice web-based 
interface to track those configurations (and notify me by email if certain things had 

Picking a programming language is like picking a religion. There may be some merits 
for one over the other in certain areas, but they are all trying in general to 
accomplish the same thing.

Justin Grote
Network Architect, CCNA
The Whistlepunk
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
SMS:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remove nospam-)
Phone: (208) 631-5440

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